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Monday 16 May 2011

Goal Of The Week

When it comes to losing weight/ getting healthy, I never know what to do. Should I run? Do some sit-ups? Maybe just eat healthy? But I got an idea. It's my little goal of the week. Here it is:
Run (well, jog :p) for half an hour, for five days. Then eat healthy every day, exsept on Friday or Saturday :3
What do you think? I really hope I can do it. It's a small goal and there's not much working out, but I think it's a good start. So, I'll be getting my heart beating faster when I jog, and I'll eat healthy :) But c'mon, everyone loves junks food (especially me :P) So on Friday or Saturday (depends what I'm doing with my friends) I'll pig out on food. But only for that day! Then I'm back to eating healthy! And running for that half an hour isn't the only exercise I'll get. I sometimes lift weights at home, and I always try my best in gym class. And I usually walk home with my friends from school, just to enjoy the weather <3
I think it's a good start cuz I love running, and I get to look forward for Friday :)
I really hope it will work : / 
I'll get back to you about this next week on Monday alright?
Thanks a lot for ready this :)

Love you,

Laura <3

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