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Friday 20 May 2011

Long Weekend

Woo! I've got a long weekend :D
Well, it's not that long, I just get Monday off, but hey! That's another day of no school!
So, this week has been... dreadful. I was gone all of last week because of band tour, so this week I had to catch up in every subject (that's not the funnest thing to do) plus I had two final exams, plus I had track meet, and I hate track meet.
Track meet is a whole day where every student hangs out at the track and participates in track and field events. And if you don't participate, well you just lost a butt load of marks :P
But on the bright side, I'm glad this week is over :) And tonight me and a two friends are gunna walk down to this new garden center that just opened. It has a cafe as well, so we're gunna order some tea and chill. Can't wait :)
So, what's the plans for your weekend? Do you have a long weekend too?
Anyhoo, have a great night!

Love you,

Laura <3

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