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Monday 23 May 2011

Good Monday

Guess what....... I GOT THE DRESS!!!!!!! *dance around my room*
Yeah! I got it!! :D:D I went back to the store, and tried it on again. It was really tight, but the sales women said to try it on without the bra, because a dress like that doesn't really need one. So I did, and it fit perfectly :) I'm wearing it now, because it makes me oh so happy!! I can't wait to show it off at the dance ;)
I'll post more pictures before I go to the dance, just so I can show the whole outfit.
Also, it's been one week since my little Goal of the Week. And I'm proud to say, that I beat my goal!
Yep! I ate healthy through out the whole week, except for Friday, and I went to the gym five times :) I'm so proud! I'm going to try my best to continue going to the gym this week, and eating healthy. Wish me luck ;)
That's all for now, I'm going to the gym in 15 minutes so I better get ready! D:
I hope your monday was just as good as mine :) Or it will be :P
And here's random picture of cute puppies, just to make you smile :)

Love you,

Laura <3

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