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Sunday 22 May 2011

The Perfect Dress

The year end dance is coming, and I'm switching to a different school, so I really wanna dress pretty for the dance. So me and my parents went shopping for 5 hours today to find the perfect dress. And I found it:

Yeah, that's me xD
The dress is a beautiful colour of blue/turquoise. It has a black lace on the inside of it at the bottom, and it has a cute black velvet pattern all over. And it's topped off with a big black bown around the wait and blue sparkles :)
I LOVE this dress. I think it looks really good on me, plus I think it suits my personality in a way. Plus blue/turquoise will bring out my blue eyes ;) When I put on this dress, I imagined every girl being jealous, I imagined dancing with a guy, I imagined a guy asking me to dance with him. That's only happened to me once.
But there's a problem. (yep, NOTHING'S perfect!!)
It fits just a little too tight.
Not because I'm fat, or because I have a big stomach, no, I don't have that, it's because of my boobs. >: |
If it was because I had a little extra weight, or a bigger stomach, I would work my ass off to lose weight. But you can't really lose boob fat can you? Unless you starve yourself. And I'm NOT doing that.
I asked for a bigger size, and they didn't have one. But the store at the other mall did. So we put it on hold.
When we got to the other store, I tried it on, and it fit PERFECTLY!!! I fell in love with the dress, I couldn't stop smiling :)
We were about to buy it, when i noticed that the zipper had a little trouble zipping up. I showed my mom, and the zipper was about to break. The sales women called it zipper lock, and it's REALLY hard to fix. She offered us $10 off, but my mom refused.
I know this sounds crazy, but I almost cried when we walked out the store. I told my mom that I wished I havn't of told her.
To be honest, I was kind of kidding, but my mom didn't think so.
So we went to another store, and I was pretty bumbed. I tried on more and more dresses but they just wern't the same. Finally, my mom said.
"Maybe we should just get the smaller size of the blue dress, and you can maybe starve yourself??"
"No! That's disgusting! I am deffinately NOT doing that. You're sick." And I closed the change room door on her. :/ To be honest, I do find that sick, because it's coming from my mother. Isn't she supposed to me a role model for me? Isn't she supposed to tell me what's good for me?
That's when I actually did start crying. I felt fat. I know that it's so hard to lose boob fat, but it is possible. And it bugged me so much, because not that long ago (I was just freaking out then) I thought that my boobs were so big, because i was fat.
So for the rest of the time, I was pretty much depressed, and I cried a lot in the car. My dad yelled at me saying that she was joking. But dad, you weren't there, she sounded pretty damn sure to me. She didn't laugh afterwards, are said "Just kiding!" No, she seemed serious to me.
We gave up after 5 hours and went home.
My day is ruined. I cried a lot at home. Because I don't have my perfect dress, because I told my mom about the zipper, because my mom told me to starve myself, because I was hungry, because my feet hurt, because I was tired and because we spent 5 hours shopping, and didn't buy a thing.
Don't worry, I had a long talk with my mom, and we made up. She told me that she said to starve myself becuase she was angry that I said I shouldn't of told her about the zipper, because she doesn't want to pay for something so expensive, and have it break.
And she said that she shouldn't of said that, and that I can't lose weight, cuz I'm skinny :)
I appologized too, and we hugged it out :)
I'm still a little sad though, just cuz my day was terrible.
But we're planning on going back, and trying on the blue dress again and seeing how it fits at the boobs again. We're just scared that when I dance, that it'll rip or something cuz it is really tight there. But we're gunna try it again, and hopefully it's good!!
So, please cross your fingers!!
I just really wanted to talk about it, because I just had like, the worst day :( But I am happy that my mom and I made up :)
Have a great night! And I'll tell you tomorrow about the dress :)
(PS sorry for spelling mistakes, I wanted to type this up quickly cuz I have to go somewhere D:)

Love you,

Laura <3

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